Database Concepts
- Syllabus
- Relational Algebra Worksheet
- SQL Lecture Notes – I
- SQL Lecture Notes – II
- Back End Web Dev
- Week 9 Slides
- Week 10 Slides
- Diigo Share of Links for Docker, MySql, Node, etc.
Exam 1 Study Materials
- Schema For Exam 1
- Old SQL Handouts – These are from past semesters, but they should still be relevant.
- Relational Algebra Extra Notes:
Exam 2 Study Materials
- HTTP Crash Course & Exploration
- Great video that includes an overview of HTTP, coding some various uses in Node and Express, and using Postman API Tool.
- Node.JS Crash Course
- More to come…
Homework Assignments
- HW 01 – Due Sept 18, 2019 uploaded to Canvas by 11pm
- Replace the duplicated 4 questions (sorry about that) with the following 2:
- Write SQL Create Table Statements for the three relations in the schema at the start of the assignment
- Write SQL Insert statements to add 5 rows to each of the three tables you just created.
- Replace the duplicated 4 questions (sorry about that) with the following 2:
- HW 02 – SQL Fun
- The Database for HW2 is Here.
Other Websites & Readings
- SQL Practice –
- Hacker Rank SQL Domain – Gives you queries to write in SQL and will score them.
- SQL Zoo – Allows you to write SQL to respond to questions.
Tools & Topics for Project (Work-in-Progress)
- Express JS – “Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js”
- KNEX.js – SQL Query Builder for Node.js