Pointers are really important to the C and C++ language. They are actually really important in many different languages whether or not you have direct access to manipulate them. In our on-line gathering yesterday evening, I introduced you to the basic concepts of pointers and memory layout, well – at least how C++ sees it.
It’s time to read Section 6.3 of Overland (skip 6.3.7, 6.3.8 and 6.3.9). Also read Section 6.4, but stop before the paragraph that starts with “This analysis—what would the item imply…”. From that point down is about function pointers which should be in its own sub section. But in any event, you don’t need to worry about these.
Here are a couple videos that might also be useful to you that I made a few semesters ago: Video 1, Video 2.
Reading sections 10.1, 10.2, and 10.3 of Overland related to c-strings could be helpful if you need more info there.
[…] Pointers (check out the video links at the bottom) […]