Setting up Docker and MySQL

Docker is an application that simplifies the create/deploy/run software dev cycle by using the concept of containers.  A container is a way to package up an application and all of its dependencies.

Do the following to get Docker installed and a MySQL server running in a container.

  1. Install Docker (Community Edition) from:
  2. On Mac, use terminal for the following.  On Windows, use a Cmd prompt:
    1. Verify Docker is working:
      docker --version
    2. Use this command to start a Docker container running mysql:
      docker run -p 3306:3306 -d --name mysql01 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password mysql/mysql-server

      • replace password with a password you would like to give the root user of mysql.  Do not use an important password that you’ve used elsewhere.
      • The first time you run this, it will have to download some files from the Internet.
      • -p 3306:3306 maps a port of the container to the host machine
      • --name mysql01  names the container mysql (may be used when executing other commands related to this container)
      • -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password   sets an environment variable to be used inside the container.  In this case, it is a way to provide the initial root password to MySQL as the container is created.
      • mysql/mysql-server is the
    3. Start a Bash shell in the Docker container you just created: 
      docker exec -it mysql01 bash
      This executes a Bash shell inside mysql01 container.  You will know it worked if you are presented with a prompt that says bash-4.2#.
    4. At the Bash prompt, log in to to MySQL server using the mysql command line client
      mysql -u root -p
      You’ll then be prompted for a password.  Type the password you used in Step 2 above.  Note, the cursor WILL NOT MOVE as you type.

      • If you’re presented with the mysql prompt mysql> , then everything should be working.
    5. In mysql, type exit to quit.
    6. At the Bash prompt, type exit to return to your Host OS’ shell.

Some other useful Docker Commands:

  • docker stop mysql01
    • stop the container named mysql01
  • docker start mysql01
    • restart the container named mysql01
  • docker cp foo.txt mycontainer:/tmp/foo.txt
    • copy file foo.txt into container named <mycontainer> at path /tmp

More info on Docker:

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