I use the terminal to do quite a bit on both my Mac laptop and Linux desktop. Sometimes its easier to hammer out a shell command than it is find the right context menu or menu item to click to do something.
On Linux, I use Guake Terminal and Gnome Terminal the most, although I’ve played around with Terminator. On my Macbook Pro, I use iTerm 2. Each of these has their own features and customizations, but those are for another post.
The things below should work in any of the terminal programs above.
- Oh-My-Zsh is a framework for managing a zsh shell configuration. It supports themes, plugins, auto-updating, etc.
- Powerlevel9k is a theme for zsh. It supports a crazy amount of customization of the prompt and other things. And all of the customizations aren’t just aesthetic, there are a number of ways you can customize the prompt based on what language your coding in, git repo status, etc.
- More on Powerlevel9k: [1]
- From Medium, From NateTodd.com
- Color LS allows you to make the output of the ls command more palatable and useful. It can add icons next to each file based on the file type, print a small report on the contents of the director after it prints the contents themselves, and other. Definitely check it out.
In a future post, I’ll add my own config files for these things.
Anyhow, have some fun customizing your terminal and shell!
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