Linux, C++, and Libraries like myHTML

Whenever you write c++ code for a project, have you ever wondered where the actual implementations for iostream’s << and >> operators are?  What about the implementations for all of the algorithms that are in the algorithm header? Whenever you’re building a project and linking in things from external libraries, where’s the compiled version of those functions?  The secret is in libraries of code external to your project. [Read more…]

Customizing Shell in your Terminal

I use  the terminal to do quite a bit on both my Mac laptop and Linux desktop.  Sometimes its easier to hammer out a shell command than it is find the right context menu or menu item to click to do something.

On Linux, I use Guake Terminal and Gnome Terminal the most, [Read more…]

Java – Exam Stats Example

This post is another in the series of small Java Programs and their evolution.  The scenario for the program today, Exam Statistics, is calculating a couple statistics for a set of grades entered by the user. You can see in the code below, I work on one method, test it, then move on to the next method.

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Time for some Java

Let’s take a simple program idea and refine it over the course of a few versions of the code. 

The program we are writing is meant to print a box made of asterisks.  The width and height of the box is based on a value entered by the user.  For example, if the user enters 3, the program would display the following: [Read more…]

Weimar 2018 – Photo Scavenger Hunt

Follow the Traces of History in Weimar

Your Task: Find 15 of the following places and take a picture of your group in front of the historical monument. (Hint: don’t visit the places in the sequence they appear here).

The Prize: Dinner with Dr. Gaettens and Dr. Fontenot, our treat, in the coming week or two, and the satisfaction of winning 🙂

[Read more…]

Testing More than One Thing with Catch

In a modern piece of software, you wouldn’t have tests for just one class.  You’d have exhaustive tests for all the functionality in your program.  However, it would be challenging to put all of the tests in one single tests.cpp file.   [Read more…]

Setting up Docker and MySQL

Docker is an application that simplifies the create/deploy/run software dev cycle by using the concept of containers.  A container is a way to package up an application and all of its dependencies.

Do the following to get Docker installed and a MySQL server running in a container. [Read more…]

Spring 2018 Data Structures Prep

It is no secret that CSE 2341 – Data Structures – is a very demanding course.   The course requires a great deal of dedication and perseverance.  I have received a few requests about what to do over winter break in terms of review and prep.  This blog post has some suggestions and links to possibly useful info.

[Read more…]

Gearing Up for a taste of Data Science

Here are some things to do to gear up for getting a taste of Data Science in CSE 3330.

  1. Download and install R. You can download it from this link
  2. Download and install RStudio from this link. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the installers for various platforms.  Note that you will run this on your laptop directly, not through vagrant or anything like that.

Good Resources:

  • The RStudio folks also produce some very useful cheat sheets for using R and RStudio.  You can find a list of them here.
  • Data Camp’s Introduction to R (a Free Course)

More to come…


SMU in Weimar 2017 Info

Some important/useful information for our amazing study-abroad trip this summer:

Travel Info

Class Docs